This is one I wrote last year, and I had great fun recording it for Halloween.

Buttercups and Daisies
Feast on my bones,
Sucking out juices
And leaving the rest alone.
I scratch at my coffin
I gnaw at its sides,
I thump and I kick
But remain inside.
Its no joy being a vampire,
When you can’t get out.
You’re left to suck your own blood
Before, it gets dry.
My flesh it has shrivelled
My nails, have grown long.
I wish this coffin
Would be a home
To voracious wood worm,
Whose teeth were so strong
They would chomp through my coffin
Then when there was nothing
I’d burst out all skin and bone
And flesh that is rotten
Now it’s your turn to stay
Locked in at your home
As each night I wander and roam
Then feast on the people I meet on the street,
And guzzle and gnaw until I’m replete.
Then to recap each night I’d repeat,
Until I’m full and I’m fat and juicy with blood,
Then I’ll be Queen, of your Neighbourhood.