This is a warning cry our Earth is not going to take much more of our abuse.
Feel my sorrow
Feel my pain
When you ravage me again.
Feel my anger
Feel my rage
As war on me you wage.
See my scars
See my shame
As you leave me forever maimed.
See my torn body
See my life’s blood
As you grind me in the mud.
Hear my thunder
Hear my lightening crack
As a result of all your attacks.
Hear my heart beat
Hear its thud
Soon it will be my turn to grind you in the mud
Know my purpose
Know my mind
You are truly not man KIND
Know my rancour
Know my plans
I will never give in to your demands.
Taste my bile
Taste my sweat
Know I never will forget.
Taste my vengeance
Taste my strength
I will go to any length
I am Gaia
I am your home
Now please take this warning
And leave me alone.
