First published in Otherwise engaged Literary and Art Journal volume 8 Edited by Marzia Dessi in Dec 2021

The day the world began
it began for me no other.
I was the man
the chosen one
alone apart from God,
and that garden.
I wandered from tree to bush
bush to tree
never seeing anyone,
let alone like me.
I felt water on my face
a salty trace from cheek
to mouth.
Tasted loneliness,
sent a silent plea
to fill the space in my heart.
Woke to find
an unknown face in front of me,
with hands and feet
and lips that spoke,
broke the silence
with her name.
Lilith1, she whispered
in seductive tones,
a cold wind
blew through Eden
1 Lilith was a female demon and allegedly Adam’s first wife